Friday, June 12, 2020

Discussion on the Causes of Divorce in Contemporary Society - 550 Words

Discussion on the Causes of Divorce in Contemporary Society (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Instructors name:Course:Date:Causes of divorce Most people think that divorce is a natural occurrence that inevitably takes place and should be welcome but the reality is that there are several avoidable causes of divorce. Divorce, in most instances, affects those involved and the society as a whole in many ways both positively and negatively. Divorce is the official separation of married couples after reaching a consensus to do so through legal means. The causes that lead to divorce are many in various societies. However, there are those that are common and more universal. In most instances, divorce ensues from continuous irreconcilable differences between a husband and wife (Amos, Janine, Green and Hampton 34). In the current era of modernization, there has been an increase in the number of divorce cases in almost all societies. This can be partly attributed to globalization, which enables people to embrace other cultures which are not desirable in their societ ies. This also leads to a conflict of interest between couples hence, resulting in divorce (Butler and Ian 42). Domestic violence is significantly implicated in divorce. Some marriages are characterized by violence towards the husband or the wife. Violence and arrogance towards each other may be due to disputes and differences that are associated with responsibility and roles of each other in the family (Clarke, Alison and Brentano 66). The victims of domestic violence have a better chance of self-development and better life after divorce since they are not at risk of depression associated with marriage or other behavioral defense mechanisms that negatively impact their lives. Therefore, the couples resort to divorce as a solution (Gottlieb 121). Financial challenges due to inadequate or no income is usually a cause of many divorces. Insufficient income is closely associated with lack of formal education. The majority of the individuals who do not succeed academically in most place s globally do not get formal employment which means their daily earnings may not be sufficient to cater for their family needs. Conflicts increase due to disagreements between couples on how to spend the little income that may be available eventually resulting to divorce (Eustace, and Kimes 54). Marriage at a very tender age has a high tendency of ending up in divorce. Premarital childbearing means that couples may marry regardless of other factors that may affect their marriages such as culture, religious affiliations, and prevalence (Lamanna, Mary, and Agnes 12). Many opt to get married at an age they are unable to make proper decisions concerning parental responsibilities. Later, the couples may lose interest with each other romantically and practice infidelity. Insecurity ensues, and they opt to divorce and either become single or remarry (Lamanna, Mary, and Agnes 92). In conclusion, most people believe that divorce is a natural occurrence that should be welcome in the society, but its causes have been identified. Therefore, divorce can be encouraged or discouraged based on the causes and effects it may have on the couples and their children. However, some other alternative techniques of conflict resolution can be utilized. Some of the known causes are continuous irreconcilable differences within the family associated with diverse cultures, beliefs, and values, domestic viol...

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